It’s week four of the STREET FIGHTER LEAGUE: Pro-US 2019 season two and the teams continue the initial match-ups of this double round-robin competition. This week’s Team Battles are Team STORM versus SPIRIT, PSYCHO against GALE, and INFERNO taking on FROST. It’s still very early in the season and with $90,000 up for grabs for the team that takes first place you can bet that each Team Battle will be fierce. Check out the results of this week’s exciting episode in this recap.
If you missed our recap of last week’s episode, browse here to check that out.
Miss an Episode?
If you missed any of season one and want to get caught up before reading further, check out the STREET FIGHTER LEAGUE: Pro-US 2019 Season 1 Archive or the Capcom Fighters YouTube channel’s STREET FIGHTER LEAGUE: Pro-US 2019 video playlist for the full episodes.
Team STORM defeats Team SPIRIT 3-0
Two of this season’s new teams in CJ Truth’s Team SPIRIT and 801 Strider’s STORM go head to head for the first time and it’s a 3-0 clean sweep for Team STORM. iDom’s Poison gave Tommy2Step’s Urien a very tough time in the first round. iDom came up short but this set once again shows that his Poison is a legit secondary character when Laura is banned. STORM’s Mo-Joe put Sabin’s Dhalsim in the R.Mika mix-up whirlpool and body-slammed his way to a 2-0 victory in round 2.
The two team captains, both playing anchor for their teams, would face off in the final match. 801 Strider, with his main character G banned, elected to use new character Lucia. This match went back and forth but 801 Strider made just one or two more clutch plays than CJ Truth and sealed the sweep for STORM. STORM has back to back 3-0 victories after defeating INFERNO in a sweep last week.
Character Bans: G and Laura
Team | Player | Character | Team | Player | Character | Score | |
STORM | Tommy2Step | Urien | defeated | SPIRIT | iDom | Poison | 2-1 |
STORM | Mo-Joe | R.Mika | defeated | SPIRIT | Sabin | Dhalsim | 2-0 |
STORM | 801 Strider | Lucia | defeated | SPIRIT | CJ Truth | Karin | 2-1 |
Team GALE defeats Team PSYCHO 3-0
Smug’s Team PSYCHO continues to have trouble shaking off the team’s perceived curse as they fall to NuckleDu’s Team GALE. PSYCHO’s Dankadillas, with his Dhalsim banned, used his Blanka and RobTV went with the hard counter-pick in Guile. Dankadillas fought well against the odds but RobTV came out on top 2-0. Next up was GALE’s Shine, who was free to use his Ibuki this week, against PSYCHO’s Automattock using Sagat. Automattock continues to show a strong Sagat but just could not overcome Shine’s offense.
The final match of the Team Battle was between NuckleDu and Smug, the two team captains. After some select screen back and forth a blind pick was called for and the result was a G mirror-match. Both players have incredibly strong Gs and the result was a light show of back and forth offense. Smug had an advantage in early rounds of the match but NuckleDu remained cool and made adaptations. NuckleDu got the win 2-1 and notched another win for Team GALE.
Character Bans: Karin and Dhalsim
Team | Player | Character | Team | Player | Character | Score | |
GALE | RobTV | Guile | defeated | PSYCHO | Dankadillas | Blanka | 2-0 |
GALE | Shine | Ibuki | defeated | PSYCHO | Automattock | Sagat | 2-1 |
GALE | NuckleDu | G | defeated | PSYCHO | Smug | G | 2-1 |
Team INFERNO defeats Team FROST 3-2
Punk’s Team INFERNO has been hit hard at the beginning of season two, losing 0-3 to Team STORM last week and having an overall record of 0-2. This week they get some wind in their sales with a narrow win over Dual Kevin’s Team FROST 3-2.
Punk specifically targeted Samurai by using his team’s ban pick on Akuma. In the first round of the Team Battle, INFERNO’s BrolyLegs with his Chun-Li would face off against Samurai, who surprised many by using Ryu. The match between BrolyLegs and Samurai was incredibly close but Samurai was able to get one or two clutch plays to get the win 2-1.
In round three Punk himself, using Kolin due to the Karin ban, fell to Dual Kevin’s Rashid. For Team INFERNO it would be up to JB to pull out a victory against the remaining members of FROST and that’s what he did.
JB faced off against Samurai’s Ryu in an incredibly tense match with momentum swinging back and forth like a pendulum. JB would win the match 2-1 but in an interview after the Team Battle he admitted that this match shook him.
It was down to JB against Dual Kevin and it would be the second mirror-match of the week with both players using Rashid. Any match that features Rashid is sure to be full of energy and a match between two Rashids was something to behold. It would go down to the very last round of the match but JB earned the win 2-1.
Character Bans: Karin and Akuma
Team | Player | Character | Team | Player | Character | Score | |
FROST | Samurai | Ryu | defeated | INFERNO | BrolyLegs | Chun-Li | 2-1 |
INFERNO | JB | Rashid | defeated | FROST | Sherryjenix | Necalli | 2-0 |
FROST | Dual Kevin | Rashid | defeated | INFERNO | Punk | Kolin | 2-0 |
INFERNO | JB | Rashid | defeated | FROST | Samurai | Ryu | 2-1 |
INFERNO | JB | Rashid | defeated | FROST | Dual Kevin | Rashid | 2-1 |
Team Standings
Team GALE remains in the lead after this week with a 3-0 record. Team STORM is in second place and FROST is in third place. Both teams have records of 2-1. Team SPIRIT is in fourth place and INFERNO climbs up to fifth place, both with 1-2 records. Team PSYCHO is bringing up sixth place with an 0-3 record.
Tune in Next Week!
Be sure to catch the next episode on Twitch and YouTube at 4PM Pacific, 7PM Eastern.