Welcome to an exciting new season of Street Fighter League Pro US!   Six new and revamped teams are ready to compete, composed of top players from around the world.  BANDITS and RED ROOSTER return from last season with CLOUD9, FIGHTING SPIRIT, SHOPIFY REBELLION and FLYQUEST joining the fray for the first time.  Each of these teams is composed of SFL veterans and many feature up-and-comers who are looking to make a name for themselves. 

New this season is the Street Fighter League 2024 US Finals, an offline event that will take place on January 18th 2025 at Los Angeles. Here the best teams from SFL US will fight it out to be US Champion. Once again, a prize pool of $75,000 is up for grabs with $60,000 going to first place and $15,000 going to second place. The winning team from SFL US will advance to the Street Fighter World Championship which will take place March 5th through 9th, 2025 in Tokyo, Japan.

If you missed any of season 7 and want to get caught up before reading further, check out the STREET FIGHTER LEAGUE: Pro-US Season 7 Archive or the Capcom Fighters YouTube channel’s STREET FIGHTER LEAGUE: Pro-US Season 6 video playlist for the full episodes. 


Away Team Player and Character Order: 1) Booce (Ken), 2) Lexx (Guile), 3) JB (Rashid), SUB) NoahTheProdigy

Of all the teams this season, CLOUD9 has the most players that are new to SFL.  CLOUD9 is led by JB, a longtime SFL veteran, joined by newcomers Booce, Lexx and NoahTheProdigy.  Their first opponent was FIGHTING SPIRIT, led by Oil King, which features the same roster as last year’s UYU under a new name. Despite having a team mostly composed of newcomers and having the away team disadvantage, the players of CLOUD9 managed to pull out a 30-10 victory over the veterans of FIGHTING SPIRIT. 

Booce’s Ken took the lead position followed by Lexx’s Guile and anchored by JB’s Rashid.  Booce, who sprang into the spotlight this year with stellar performances at Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior events, showed that he is a force to be reckoned with.  FIGHTING SPIRIT sent in Xian’s Dee Jay, and it was an incredibly tense, back-and-forth match which would go to the final round.  Booce would win 2-1.

FIGHTING SPIRIT would bounce back in the next match as DCQ’s M.Bison faced Lexx’s Guile.  DCQ was able to get in close to Guile again and again and managed to disrupt his offense. DCQ would win 2-0 to tie the score 10-10. 

In the anchor match both teams went with their best closers, as NL’s Akuma took on JB’s Rashid.  This was a high velocity match with both players slugging it out.  JB would win 3-1 to complete the Team Battle win. 

1BooceCLOUD9KendefeatedXianFIGHTING SPIRITDee Jay2-1
2DCQFIGHTING SPIRITM.BisondefeatedLexxCLOUD9Guile2-0


Away Team Player and Character Order: 1) Psycho (Kimberly), 2) Shine (Kimberly), 3) Punk (Cammy), SUB) ChrisCCH

Mono’s RED ROOSTER was up against Punk’s FLYQUEST in the next Team Battle.   As the away team, FLYQUEST had to submit their player and character order and they decided to lead off with Psycho and Shine, both using Kimberly.  As you would expect, Punk’s Cammy took the anchor position. 

Uriel Velorio’s Ken took on Psycho’s Kimberly in the first match.  Psycho won the first game and Uriel Velorio won a strong first round of game two, but Psycho would win the next two rounds, capped off with an incredible comeback from low health in the final round to win 2-0. 

Up next was Shine’s Kimberly and Mono went in to face him with A.K.I..  Shine put the pedal to the floor and won the first game clean with two perfect rounds.  Mono was more active starting in the second game and slowly gained momentum.  It would go to the final round of the final game when Mono made his own low-health comeback against a burnt out Shine trapped in the corner to win 2-1. 

Mono’s pick to bring Brutus onto RED ROOSTER this season with his Zangief was a wise choice, as the newcomer very nearly defeated Punk in his very first match.  Brutus showed no sign of nerves, being a newcomer placed in the team’s anchor position against one of the best players in the world.  He was constantly harassing, not afraid to put himself into burnout while on offense.  Brutus would win the first two games.  Despite the deficit you can never count out Punk.  Punk would slowly grind his way back over the course of the next three games to win 3-2. 

1PsychoFLYQUESTKimberlydefeatedUriel VelorioRED ROOSTERKen2-0
2MonoRED ROOSTERA.K.I.defeatedShineFLYQUESTKimberly2-1
3PunkFLYQUESTZangiefdefeatedBrutusRED ROOSTERZangief3-2


Away Team Player and Character Order: 1) Caba (Guile), 2) Zhen (M.Bison), 3) MenaRD (Zangief), SUB) Luiman20

The third Team Battle of the day was NuckleDu’s SHOPIFY REBELLION against MenaRD’s BANDITS.  As with the first two Team Battles this week, both teams would trade wins in the initial matches to open an anchor match to decide the victor. 

Caba’s Guile was in the first spot for BANDITS and NuckleDu took up the challenge.  NuckleDu decided against a Guile mirror-match and used Cammy instead, a move that paid off.  NuckleDu started the match with a perfect round and won the first game, but Caba adjusted and won the next game to tie the score.  It would go to the final round of the last game when NuckleDu finished off Caba with corner pressure to win 2-1.

Always looking serene, Zhen and his M.Bison went in against Sayff’s Ken in the second match.  Sayff was on offense from the very first second of the match and would win a strong first round but after that Zhen dominated, finishing off Sayff with a quick 2-0.

The anchor position was a runback of the Grand Finals of Cream City Convergence in late August where MenaRD’s Zangief defeated Dual Kevin’s Rashid.  This was not a repeat of that encounter, as an incredibly focused Dual Kevin got strong wins in the first two games.  Dual Kevin kept MenaRD off balance and playing reactive.  After the first two games MenaRD would wisely go to character select to take a breather and would win game three but Dual Kevin would close it out in the fourth, winning 3-1. 

1NuckleDuSHOPIFY REBELLIONCammydefeatedCabaBANDITSGuile2-1
3Dual KevinSHOPIFY REBELLIONRashiddefeatedMenaRDBANDITSZanfief3-1


FLYQUEST, SHOPIFY REBELLION and CLOUD9 take the top spots with FIGHTING SPIRIT, BANDITS and RED ROOSTER following up with the order determined by tie-breakers.


Be sure to catch the next episode on Twitch and YouTube on Wednesday at 4 PM Pacific, 7PM Eastern!